Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Wasatch Back

Heaven knows I don't run. And I'm pretty sure that everybody else knows it too. I hate it from the very depths of my soul. And it is my sheer detest of it that gives me the deepest of respect for anyone who voluntarily runs. So, with the greatest reverence, I salute all of those who did the Wasatch Back this year. And all of those who have ever done it (which sadly amounts to everyone in my husband's family except me!)

Here are some pictures from this year's Wasatch Back. For those who don't know, it's a relay race through the Wasatch Mountains, starting in Logan and ending in Park City and typically lasts around 24 hours (at least for this team). It involves a lot of running, a little eating, very little sleeping, and some exhaustion-induced hilarity. Way to go Team Priceless. I'm proud of you guys!