Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Destination: Rupert, ID

Who would have ever thought that Rupert, ID was a destination vacation? Well, it is. It is a child's wonderland, especially for a two-year old boy. Our kids absolutely loved our Memorial Day Weekend trek to Idaho. It was a great family vacation for all of us, and especially wonderful for Dan and I to watch our kids have so much fun. It reminded me what the real purpose of vacations is, to get away from life for a while and gain perspective.

Fisher has an obsession with tractors, so my brother, Farmer Jameson, was nice enough to take my kids on a ride on the biggest tractor my uncle owns. They had a blast!

And, let's face it, the only real criteria in a fun kids' vacation is a pool. Lucky for us, my aunt and uncle recently added an indoor pool to their house. Hooray! Guess where we spent most of our time?


I was completely dreading the three hour drive to Rupert and the sleeping situation with Quincy. But, I've said it before, Quincy is a star and, true to form, she shone! She barely fussed in the car and slept beautifully all three nights. She had a grand time. It was her first vacation and her first night in a house other than her own!

The cow says "Moo!"

Here we are on a tour of Uncle Paul's dairy. The smell was a little overwhelming and Taylor got sprayed by something other than milk, but a good time was had by all!