Sunday, June 14, 2009


God didn't bless me with biological sisters, but he was kind enough to give me Megan and Tiffany. Besides being two of my bestest friends, they are "aunties" to my kids. Which basically mean they are the fun ones to whom I will always pale in comparison. They're the "go to" people when it comes to making cookies, getting piggy back rides, or going on fun adventures. They get my kids completely revved up. They feed them amazing amounts of sugar, play Polly Pockets with them, and teach them obnoxious phrases. It's wonderful.

They also fill the sisterly requirement of tormenting my husband with extra loud conversations, endless relationship analyses, and constant teasing. Thank goodness for them-- they keep Dan humble!

P.S. Megan and Tiffany are both single if anyone is interested! he he he