Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ross Week 2009

We are subscribers to the theory that "the family that plays together, stays together." So we play a lot. The past week has been chock full of fun for the Ross Family. We spent Wednesday at Seven Peaks with the entire Ross brood and even enjoyed an hour of the park all to ourselves before it opened! Hooray! On Thursday, we went faux camping in Grandma and Grandpa Ross's backyard. It rained the entire night, but we enjoyed tinfoil dinners, s'mores, and an outdoor movie before it started raining. And the kids were not faint of heart either, they slept outside all night despite the deluge.

On Friday morning we moved the "camp" into Grandma and Grandpa's garage to get out of the rain. We ate a huge breakfast and played games. No, we did not go inside. Because that would not have been the "cowboy way." On Friday afternoon, Dan hiked to Stewart Falls with the girls and Friday night was Fathers and Sons for Fisher and Dan. Saturday was a car wash with Jeffrey. And later, Dan and Wayne took the girls four-wheeling. And Sunday we topped it all off with an extended Ross Family dinner. Whew! It was loads of fun.