Friday, April 10, 2009

Anniversary of Sorts

Over the years, I have told my single family members and friends and several of my Young Women the old adage, "there are other fish in the sea." Or, there are a thousand different people you could marry and be happy. Or, there's no such thing as "The One." And I genuinely mean it. Except, of course, as it applies to me. I am convinced that if I hadn't married Dan, I would still be single and would remain so for life.

And I don't mean that in a pity party sort of way. It's just a fact. I hated dating, always. It made me sick to my stomach, in fact. It wasn't fun to me then, and I can't imagine what it would be like now. As corny as it may sound, I find it a total and complete miracle that I found Dan. And an even greater miracle that he married me.

April 11 is somewhat of an anniversary for my husband and me. It was the day we "met" twelve years ago. Actually, it was the day we both remember really talking to each other, despite having co-existed in the same group of friends for months. We were both 18 at the time.

So, here's to the man that I fell in love with at 18 and love exponentially more now. In fact, I can say that he's really been my only boyfriend, kiss, or love (gasp!). I can say this because my only other "boyfriend" and I mutually decided that our quasi-relationship can hardly count, due to its completely pathetic nature.

I would have included a more recent picture, but Dan and I are jointly going through a not-so-cute phase. But that's the beauty of our relationship right there, we're in it together. As we have always been and always will be.