Thursday, April 9, 2009

Adult Onset ADD

During one of my frequent and over-analytical introspections, I came to the conclusion that I have adult-onset ADD (if there is such a thing). In days gone by, I was responsible, focused, dependable. I did well in school. I got things done.

In my recent ephiphany, I realized that the opposite may be true now. I have hamster-wheel brain. In other words, my mind is constantly racing (often preventing sleep), but never really going anywhere. So, as my hamster brain churns throughout the day, I find myself bustling from one chore or grand scheme to the next, without ever really finishing anything. In fact, if you were to take a tour of my house right now, you would find remnants of at least a dozen half-finished ventures. A pile of thank you notes that I took the time to write but never send. A room I began re-arranging and organizing, but never finished. A load of wash that is half-folded (the battle wages on!) A pile of recipes I have collected with the intent of making a new cookbook, but have not begun.

I have an entire closet devoted to such things. Half-finished family trees and genalogy forms, half-finished photo albums, half-finished books I'm writing for my kids. My mother's computer holds an electronic scrapbook I started for Loryn . . . two years ago! In other words, I would dare say that I'm really good with the idea end of things, but the execution often fails.

My grandma once told me that the road to hell was paved with good intentions. Well, I guess I'll start packing my bathing suit and sunglasses, but knowing me, I probably won't finish.