Thursday, March 5, 2009

Valentine's Day

Obviously, Valentine's Day has come and gone, but it was a great day nontheless. This year, it was marked by an unbelievable snowstorm. There used to be a time when Valentine's Day was a day to celebrate the love for your sweetheart. But these days, it's a family day. Our girls were so excited for Valentine's Day this year, they created a paper chain to count down to the big day. So the stakes were high-- we had to do something special. But with a snowstorm, newborn, and tight budget, what can be done?
My mom had outfitted the girls with matching Valentine's shirts. Thanks mom! And that morning I mustered an attempt at pink, heart-shaped pancakes. It's the thought that counts, right? And, later in the morning, Grandma Ross delivered her much-awaited sugar cookies. She has been monogramming personalized sugar cookies for V-Day since her kids were little. Now that she has four children and their spouses and fourteen grandkids, the task is a mighty one, but she keeps the tradition alive and our kids look forward to it every year. Thanks grandma!

In the afternoon, Dan took the girls on a date to a movie and ice cream while the babies slept. They were tickled pink. And then we spent the night at home with Grandma and Grandpa Fisher. Overall, not a bad day. A reminder that now Valentine's is about family and the love we have for each other. Gone are the days of heart boxed candy, roses, and sappy cards . . . thank goodness!