Monday, March 16, 2009

March Madness

So, there is a sign that hangs in the Ross family home that reads, "We put this marriage on hold for basketball season." When I was dating Dan, I should have regarded as more of a statement of fact, rather than an attempt at a joke. I am officially a basketball widow, but it could be worse as Dan continually reminds me.

It is officially March Madness in the Ross family again. Which, for us, means that Dan has just finished up several months as our Stake Athletic Director, spending at least ten hours a week refereeing, coordinating, and playing in church games.

It also means that Dan is also on a city league team with his brothers. It also means that he and his brothers just spent the weekend in Las Vegas watching the Mountain West tournament. It also means that tonight we are having the Ross Family Draft. Which also means that we are embarking on a journey of watching all the NCAA games to nightly ascertain who is winning in the family draft which, by the way, Dan and I never seem to win.

So, because I am now a Ross myself, I made an unspoken oath at marriage to perpetuate these rituals and instill them in the upcoming generations. So, let these photos stand as a testament to the fact that I am doing my best. Despite the fact that I myself still know next to nothing about basketball.