St. Patrick's Day has come and gone. And despite my predisposition to feel sort of unlucky recently, I look at these kiddies and remember how lucky I am. For them, and a lot of other things too. Speaking of lucky, I am lucky to have a mom to outfit my kids in these festive green outfits! When I walked in from errands the day before St. Patty's Day, these outfits were laid out with a simple note from my mom. It reminded me of the days of yore, when my Papa Ace would quietly leave homemade stew or a bag of fruit in the kitchen for my family. How lucky I was to have fantastic grandparents. How lucky my kids are to have fantastic ones too!
So, Happy Green Day everyone! And Ides O' March too. Another pointless holiday that I've always felt the need to celebrate or, at the least, acknowledge.