Friday, March 27, 2009

My 'Rents

I was reading my cousin Jenna's blog today that contained a lengthy tribute to her mom, whom she clearly and unabashedly loves. I am more guarded in my emotions, but I shouldn't be. My parents (who I've all but ignored in this blog) are long overdue for tribute. They have always had total belief and confidence in me, for no real apparent reason. They are my biggest fans and supporters. They have trusted me and encouraged me, and have always regarded me as an equal. Their "sky's the limit" approach to raising me should be blamed for any unfounded conceit or confidence I might have. I have fond memories of my mom staying up until midnight with me practicing for the spelling bee, or my dad skiing backwards for hours determined to teach me to ski. I eventually won the spelling bee, but I'm still not much of a skiier. But, its the indelible picture of their patience and determination that will stick with me.

Both my parents have always worked full-time, often more than one job. And they did this while raising me, my special needs brother, and another brother. Now, that I am completely overwhelmed by own four kids, I have no idea how they did it. And, I especially have no idea how they did it while being so OCD organized and clean! I am such a mess! Ultimately, the legacy that my parents have left me is one of hard work, patience, commitment to learning, tenacity, and quiet, unassuming thoughtfulness.

My parents are the world's most doting and endearing grandparents. My mother has a special connection with my girls and indulges them with frilly dresses, manicures, and reading lessons that I often don't have the time, femininity, or patience for. My dad is Fisher's soulmate. Fisher is sort of an emotional puzzle that only my dad can put together. They have an unspoken bond. They look at deer together, play ball together, and my dad even mends his clothes. (Good thing too because I don't sew).

My own grandparents, Papa Ace and Laynie were amazing, dare I say, life-changing. I am thrilled that my kids will have grandparents to have that same influence in their lives.