My cousin, Tiffany, treated us to a super duper fun day at Lagoon just a week after we moved and a week before school started. It was the perfectly timed diversion for everyone. When God didn't give me sisters, he made up for it by giving me Megan and Tiffany.

I was a little worried that my kids wouldn't have as much fun without other little kids with them. Boy, was I wrong! Turns out a 3:3 adult to kid ratio is just the thing. And it helps when two of those adults are as fun as Jameson and Tiffany. We literally ran from ride to ride with wild abandon. (And the whole time I was so grateful that my mom had watched Quincy! I love her desperately, but she would have been miserable!)

I spent most of the morning with Fisher on the kiddie rides, while Jameson and Tiffany took the girls on the bigger rides that were sure to make me throw up. Tiffany was nice enough to take Taylor on the ride that drops you straight down. Jameson lead the girls in riding the Colossus six times in a row, followed by three times in a row on the music machine with Fisher. We're all thankful he didn't lose his lunch. And we all got SOAKED on Rattlesnake Rapids and sloshed around the rest of the evening.

Jameson and Tiffany headed home about an hour or so before the park closed, but I hung on to the bitter end with the kids, taking advantage of every last minute until they literally kicked us out. We had such a fun day. I love the rare opportunity of putting everything aside and just being able to have fun with my kids. It reminds me that I should do it more often!

I feel uber blessed to have such sweet, fun kids. They won't find me fun and cool for very much longer, so I'm monopolizing on this time while I've got it.