Sunday, October 9, 2011

First Day of School

First Day of School! You remember it, right? Packing all those brand new school supplies into your backpack, laying out the perfect outfit, taking pictures in front of the house, seeing all your friends again. It's all giddy excitement. It only takes about a week for it to wear off, but it's sure fun while you've got it!

Taylor and Loryn had the added fun of walking with new kids on a new route to school. I can't tell you how blessed we all feel that they didn't have to change schools in the move, though. Loryn is starting second grade with Mrs. Kusse, a first year teacher who seems very excited, energetic, and capable. Taylor is starting fifth grade with Mrs. Steele, who seems to be very academic, organized, and ship-shape. I'm excited for great years with both!