He is the perfect husband. A day has never gone by that he doesn't tell me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me. He eats whatever I fix, including the early days of marriage when Tuna Helper made frequent appearances. He is my best friend: we love spending time with each other, laughing together, and talking about anything and everything. He has never ever raised his voice at me or made me feel badly about myself. His is one of the most complimentary, supportive and uplifting people I know--but he's genuine and realistic. A perfect balance for me.
He is the perfect father. Even after the hardest and most stressful days, he puts on a happy face for our kids and pitches in wherever needed. He coaches all of our kids sports teams, goes to all their games, and practices with them in the backyard. He stays up late helping with math homework, listens to them read, helps give them baths and brush teeth, and pitches in with dishes and laundry after we send them to bed.
I'll probably spend the rest of my life trying to be as good to him as he is to me, but I'm looking forward to it. Happy Birthday, Dan!