Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Thanksgiving has come and gone. We had a wonderful dinner with my family. And then I hosted my mom's entire family at my house the next day. Thanksgiving and Christmas offer plenty of time to reflect on one's blessings. And I have so much to be grateful for . . .

*Four beautiful, healthy, bright children who are in a stage of life that is full of discovery, excitement, and unadulterated love (most of the time.) And the true blessing of being able to stay at home with them to be their full-time mom.

*A husband that is consistently and unfailingly supportive, loyal, hard-working, honorable, and optimistic. I am one of the lucky few who really, truly married her best friend.

* Employment. Yes, that's what I said. The past couple of years have been kind of a nightmare in that department. But it's made us both realize how much we had. And still have, for that matter. And I am grateful that Dan is still working with his dad and has already begun another job.

* My health. I couldn't be more physcically unfit, but I am so grateful for a strong and healthy body that allows for me to care for my family.

*Two parents who worry about me than I worry about myself. They are constantly thinking up ways to help out, supplement, and provide. Ice skating lessons, skiing lessons, standing weekly babysitting appointments, the list could go on and on and on.

* A beautiful home. Who knows how long we'll be here, but I know that whether it's here or there, I will always have a roof over my head and the opportunity of living in a beautiful, safe, supportive community.

* My freedom and all the opportunities, ammenities, and experiences that go with it.

* The gospel. I've always taken the amazing knowledge that I've had for granted perhaps. But what a wonderful blessing to be able to know for myself and teach my children that their lives have meaning, purpose, and direction.

*My education, talents, abilities.

* Friends that I have known since I was a little girl and who continue to my kindred spirits. They know me inside out, backwards and forwards and love me still. And new friends too. I am surrounded by really wonderful people.

*In-laws. It's quite a miracle to marry into a family that accepts you, loves you, and offers such amazing help and support. I am so grateful to have gained so many brothers and sisters, and an additional set of parents that are so good to me.

* Indoor plumbing and heating. My father-in-law's stories of getting pecked by chickens on his way to the outhouse make me especially grateful.

* Who I am, where I'm at, what I have, what I've done. No one's life is perfect, especially not mine. But I can't think of one person who I'd trade with. Not one.