Sunday, December 26, 2010


Last week I celebrated my 32nd birthday. On that day, however, I hosted my entire extended family at my house. So I got to celebrate for a couple days beforehand just to compensate! You'd be sick to know how spoiled I get on my birthday. I'm just too lucky to have so many good poeple to love me! On Saturday, Dan took me to dinner. On Saturday, my sweet mother made us dinner and the kids made me a cake. On Monday, my mom watched my kids so I could clean and cook for my family Christmas party. That afternoon, my sisters in law brought me lunch. That night, I enjoyed the opportunity of being together with all my aunts, uncles, cousins, and my 92-year-old Papa. The next day, my sweet friends from my neighborhood brought me lunch. All in all, a wonderful birthday weekend.

I have to say, though, as my birthday so closely coincides with the beginning of a new year, it is an added impetus to reflect, review, and renew. And I've been doing a lot of that. I felt like I really let a lot of things "slide" this year. While all are healthy, happy, and well accounted for, I know that I really wasn't up to par. I spent most of the year feeling like I was running a day late and a dollar short. And then I spent the rest of the time beating myself about it. And nobody benefitted from that! So here's to 33 and 2011 being the year of my greatness!! Or something like that.