Jameson was born under truly inspired and miraculous circumstances, and his life has continued to be an against-the-odds fight since. Eight years his senior, we have always been in different phases of life. As a result, he has often born the brunt of my teenage angst or my frazzled motherhood.
The three of us siblings are all as different as night and day. But I have learned and grown from these differences and deeply appreciate them. I am so proud of Jameson. He has more fight and strength in him than he gives himself credit for. He is strong where I am weak. He has the sensitivity, passion, humor, and intensity that I have never had. And he'll quickly remind you that he's the "good looking" one in the family too. Amen to that.
I have admired the way he has bounced back from trials and challenges and continues to persist. And I know that he has great things ahead of him.
P.S. And I can't say enough how lucky I am that my kids have an uncle to wrestle with them, give them swirlies, and chase them around the house. They love their Uncle "Mint."