Tuesday, January 5, 2010


So, I'm 31 now. (And I definitely look it in the is picture). I guess I have been for a couple weeks. Either way, there is nothing like the serendipitous marriage of a new calendar year and a new age to get you going . . . or not. Even though my motivation is a little lackluster, it will definitely be interesting to see what the next year holds in store. If there is anything I learned from Year 30 and 2009-- just about anything is possible.

My birthday fell on a Sunday, which only meant I got to spread out the celebration over two days. On Saturday, I caught dinner and a movie with the love of my life. On Sunday, he and the kids brought me breakfast in bed! Orange rolls from the Provo Bakery (my absolute fave!) Then my mom was kind enough to fix dinner for all of us, so I didn't have to. Yeah! All in all, a wonderful birthday. May the future be merry and bright!