Friday, October 25, 2013

Slip N' Sliding

Natalie and her kids were able to come for about 4 weeks in the summer. We were able to do a lot of fun things with them while they were here, especially during one concentrated week of "together time." We went to Lagoon, had sleepovers every night, ate almost every meal together, and crammed a lot of precious cousin time. One afternoon, we pulled out some industrial plastic sheeting out of Grandpa's garage and laid it out in Jen's yard. We ran the hose on it and voila! A fun filled afternoon!
There are few things more precious than cousins who are your best friends. This is a great group of kids. We missed our cousins who were in Texas, but had so much fun getting the rest of them together. They absolutely love each other and are reaching such a fun age. Our distance has made our hearts grow fonder and we really treasure the time we are able to have together.