Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Slick Rock

 It was one of those record-breakingly hot summer days in Utah. My friends since elementary school, Sarah and Jamie, had the wonderful idea to go a hiking adventure in Highland. It required a bit of a hike first, and all of our little kiddos were such good sports in the heat. I absolutely love this picture of us, by the way. Who would have thought all those years ago as awkward and obnoxious preteens, that we would be here--still friends with this darling gaggle of kids?

Let me break this down for you. This was FREEZING mountain run-off water. My feet started to ache just standing in it. The kids climbed up to the top of this natural waterslide and looked a little tentatively at it. The analyzed the situation for a while and were hesitant to take the plunge. But my little Fisher paved the way and went first! You see him here, flexing his abs in excitement encouraging the other boys to get on board.  And then he goes for it!

And here is darling Loryn. There was no way she was about to let her brother steal the show. These pictures are a little fuzzy, but you can tell that the experience was more than she bargained for. But she came to terms with it, and went again and again.