Friday, October 25, 2013

Fun Run 2013

The Fun Run is a big deal in our family. It wouldn't be if our kids didn't go in with such high expecations. But every year, whether they've trained or not, they have high hopes of medaling. Knowing that their hopes and dreams hang in the balance makes me a nervous wreck. This year, they really didn't train at all.

But without fail, they started the race with that genetic gift of Ross competition pusling through their veins.

Taylor started the race going blazing fast and couldn't keep the pace. Toward the end, she watched a couple of her friends (her biggest competition) race past her. She was devastated. She gave her all and was hyperventilating by the end. But, she ended up getting third place in the sixth grade.

Loryn placed last year and had her heart set on another win. Unfortunately, she didn't have a running partner this year (I tried, but couldn't keep up!) She had trouble pacing and didn't medal, but she did a wonderful job and we were so proud of her.

Fisher did so well! Our little kindergartner was super speedy. After running with daddy and Loryn for a while, he finally asked, "Can I go faster?" He left them in the dust and went on to run by himself and earn a 2nd place medal!

I can't tell you how proud I am of my kiddos, whether they medal or not. Something about watching them cross the finish line, totally spent and red in the face, makes me want to break down in tears.