Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spring Break, Day 4-5

I'll be honest, its starting to get a little blurry.

On Thursday, my mom took us to see Hop in celebration for Easter. It was a cute movie and it got the kids really excited to see the Easter Bunny the following weekend.

Somewhere in there, I developed a nasty and painful throat condition that was driving me bananas and prompted my first doctor's visit in my married life (excluding pregnancy visits of course.) It turns out I'm just a whiner and was suffering from severe heartburn. Nothing a little Nexium and a few days didn't cure. Clearly, all the Spring Break festivities are getting to me!

And we also worked like mad on Taylor's Utah County projects (Ok, so my mom worked liked mad and we were a very attentive support crew.) Then Dan and I took the kids to eat at Pizza Pie Cafe.