Yes, another school year is drawing to a close which means another Fun Run has come and gone. As a reminder, the Rock Canyon Fun Run is a 5K for the students to run around the school and surrounding neighborhoods. The winners from each grade are awarded medals in front of the school in an assembly. It's become a pretty competitive deal.

This year, like last year, Dan ran with Taylor and I ran with Loryn. The intent was to help pace them and push them when necessary. Not to our surprise, however, they each left us in the dust. They both ran sooo fast and we were very proud of them.

I have never aspired to be a runner, nor do I even pretend to be, but I think I'll have to train this year so I can at least keep up with a first grader! Loryn did so well.

Taylor nabbed the 3rd place medal for girls in the fourth grade, and Loryn narrowly missed the podium with an impressive fourth place. (But she's convinced some "butting" took place at the finish gates.) Either way, I can't tell you how proud I am of my little girls.