Sunday, August 29, 2010

Last Weekend of Summer

So after a week chock full of fun, we had one last weekend before heading back to school. On Friday, we had a primary swim party. On Saturday, our daddy ran in a half marathon (as a non-runner, I am unbelievably proud!) and we had a backyard pizza night with friends. On Sunday night, we held our now annual family campout. Due to rain, we moved it indoors and slept in the tent in our family room. No one slept. On Monday, we bought last minutes school supplies, packed up the backpacks, and went out to dinner as a family to celebrate the beginning of school!
Summer went by too fast. Even for an exhausted mother. I like having my kids around. I like being able to have fun with them. I like going at our own pace, not being on a schedule, answering to no one. But there is beauty in balance, and we will all welcome the feeling of being productive, busy, and learning too.

Last Day of Summer, Day 4

Lagoon! Lagoon was an annual summer event when I was growing up. I have just as much fun watching my kids enjoy it so much. And it's even better watching them share it with their cousins, just as I did.

We were completely unprepared for the virtual deluge that met us when we arrived. The literal second we entered the park, there was a torrential downpour the likes of which I have not seen in years. It lasted for three hours and we were all soaked to the bone. I, of course, didn't even have a sweatshirt for my kids.

My girls ran from ride to ride in the pouring rain, taking advantage of there being absolutely no lines. Fisher didn't complain once and we braved the rides for a while until I couldn't stand his violent shivering and teeth chattering any longer.

After lunch, the sun came out and we started to dry out. The storm chased away a lot of would-be park hoppers, so there was perfect weather and short lines. We lasted from opening to closing and we had SOOO much fun. Fisher was in absolute heaven and it was so much fun watching him get so excited about all the rides. Days like today epitomize the reason why I love being a mom-- watching my kids delight and sharing it with them.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Last Week of Summer, Day 3

Today we hit the Highland Splash Park again with all our local cousins + the Abbotts. It was super fun. We stayed forever and ever.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Last Day of Summer, Day 2

Sometimes, as mothers, we have to admit that even our best laid plans end in disaster. And after today, I had to admit defeat. Total surrender. In fact, I'm pretty sure I have post-traumatic stress disorder.

I live in Utah County, which has to have the most kids AND the most cheap skates per capita in the United States. Therefore, when you announce Two Dollar Tuesday at Thanksgiving Point, when things usually cost ten dollars a person, you invite bedlam. And bedlam it was. Picture Black Friday at Wal-Mart. That's what I can liken this experience to. I'm surprised a small child wasn't trampled. When I arrived with my four children and Jeffrey by myself, I should have been daunted by the line that went AROUND the building. But NO, I can handle this, I think to myself.

So, we stood in line and made our way through the Dinosaur Exhibit like cattle. Unhappy, crowded, screaming cattle. To his credit, Fisher thoroughly enjoyed all of it. I will have to take him back by himself if I can ever recover from my PTSD.

That night, Loryn had her first soccer game of the season. And Dan and I are coaching! She did very well and it looks like we'll have a lot of fun.

Last Week of Summer, Day 1

On Monday, I rounded up all the local cousins and enlisted their mothers in a trip to BYU. We started out at the Bean Museum. The kids did scavenger hunts and had a wonderful time looking at all the dead animals. Let's face it, that's what they are. I even took a picture of Quincy with Shasta the Liger, a mainstay from the Hogle Zoo that now resides at the museum. In the words of Napoleon, "it's pretty much my favorite animal."

After the museum, we went to the Botany Pond to feed the ducks and have a picnic lunch. It was lovely and overcast, which was nice. At this point, my little ones were beyond exhausted. So the aunties kept my older girls and took all the kids to a new waterfall on campus and to the creamery for ice cream.

That night, our daddy accompanied us to Seven Peaks for the first time of the year. It was so much fun to have him there. Evenings at the water park are so much cooler and less crowded. And it was so fun to have daddy there to help us go down all the bigger waterslides. So much fun!

Last Week of Summer!

I've always had an idealized picture of what summer should be. You know, like something from a Country Time Lemonade commerical. Inevitably, it goes by too fast. And this year it was too fast. The last week of summer crept up on me like a thief in the night, determined to steal the last minutes of freedom, laziness, and warmth from us. In an effort to capture the last fleeting moments of summer, I attempted to plan an activity for every day of the week.

Some moments were better than others, but hopefully I was able to create some happy memories for my kids before we all returned back to the grind of school, homework, soccer games, etc.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sneak Peek

So, this is a small picture. And technically, I don't think I'm supposed to have this picture yet, but I was excited to get a little glimpse of the photos we took a few weeks ago. Not too shabby for such a big group, eh? The photographer is amazing. Check out her work at

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Splash Park

By a magical aligning of the stars, Dan's best friend/cousin married my best friend. It's a beautiful thing, ain't it? Well, this week Dan and Kevin and all their high school buddies took their annual trip to Southern Utah. That left Sarah and I home alone with eight children between us. So, we got the kiddies together one night this week for pizza and a trip to the Highland Splash Park. So much fun!Here, you see that Quincy is off to wonderful start as a swimsuit model. It's everything I've ever dreamed for my daughters! he he.

Saying Goodbye

Mike and Lesa (Dan's younger brother and wife) are the first of us Rosses to leave the proverbial nest. If, by nest, you mean Utah County. And while that makes us all seem hopelessly provincial and unadventurous, it's the truth. Nevertheless, this new chapter of family separation has been difficult for everyone.
So, it was fun when Mike and Lesa and their kids visited for a couple weeks from Texas. Loryn was especially excited to see Alexis again because Texas might as well be Russia to a six-year-old. It was sad to see them go again, but we wish them the best!

Mike and Dan 2.0

Dan and his younger brother, Mike, are about 18 months apart. Dan had curly hair, Mike had straight. Dan was passive, Mike was aggressive. Dan was timid, Mike was a daredevil. You get the picture.

When you look at their two sons you see their mini-me's. Ryan looks (and acts) exactly like Mike did. Fisher looks (and acts) exactly like Dan did. It was fun to have Ryan here for a week while he visited from Texas. I can't exactly say that he and Fisher got along famously (again, like Dan and Mike), but they sure loved the idea of each other!

Monday, August 9, 2010

My Babies

Because the girls were gone last week with my parents, I had the opportunity to be the mother of two toddlers again. It was a great opportunity for me to learn a few things. 1) The house is much cleaner and much quieter with the girls gone! 2)I rely A LOT on my girls for help 3) I rely A LOT on my girls for entertainment - I was so bored! 4) My "babies" are amazingly adorable and such cute little friends.

Fisher and Quincy basked in the increased attention and solitude. We were able to read books, play outside, play at the mall, and visit the pet store without being pulled in so many directions. I loved the opportunity to focus on these little ones again without worrying about piano lessons, homework, friends, and soccer practices!
Quincy LOVES animals, especially puppies. She goes toddling after any and every dog we see, saying, "puppy." Unfortunately for her, Dan and I are not animal people, so the pet store will have to suffice.

Girls Trip to the Tetons

My parents were nice enough to take my girls on their own special adventure to Teton National Park again this year. My mom had the girls decked out head to toe in matching outfits every day. My dad and Loryn had lots of special bonding moments in their hunt for chipmunks and squirrels. With all the hiking, swimming, and eating good food, this was a dream vacation for my girls. What a great opportunity to have their grandparents (and Jeffrey) one on one. My parents are amazing!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Family Pictures

Last weekend we had family pictures with the Rosses. It's no easy task coordinating ten adults and fifteen kids, but we managed. I am hoping they will turn out alright, but we won't know for a couple weeks. Here are a few of the snapshots I was able to sneak on my own camera! Blast that Quincy for not cooperating in front of a camera--she was so naughty!!