Sunday, August 29, 2010
Last Weekend of Summer

Last Day of Summer, Day 4

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Last Week of Summer, Day 3
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Last Day of Summer, Day 2
Last Week of Summer, Day 1
Last Week of Summer!
I've always had an idealized picture of what summer should be. You know, like something from a Country Time Lemonade commerical. Inevitably, it goes by too fast. And this year it was too fast. The last week of summer crept up on me like a thief in the night, determined to steal the last minutes of freedom, laziness, and warmth from us. In an effort to capture the last fleeting moments of summer, I attempted to plan an activity for every day of the week.
Some moments were better than others, but hopefully I was able to create some happy memories for my kids before we all returned back to the grind of school, homework, soccer games, etc.
Some moments were better than others, but hopefully I was able to create some happy memories for my kids before we all returned back to the grind of school, homework, soccer games, etc.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sneak Peek

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Splash Park
Saying Goodbye
Mike and Dan 2.0
Dan and his younger brother, Mike, are about 18 months apart. Dan had curly hair, Mike had straight. Dan was passive, Mike was aggressive. Dan was timid, Mike was a daredevil. You get the picture.
When you look at their two sons you see their mini-me's. Ryan looks (and acts) exactly like Mike did. Fisher looks (and acts) exactly like Dan did. It was fun to have Ryan here for a week while he visited from Texas. I can't exactly say that he and Fisher got along famously (again, like Dan and Mike), but they sure loved the idea of each other!
Monday, August 9, 2010
My Babies
Quincy LOVES animals, especially puppies. She goes toddling after any and every dog we see, saying, "puppy." Unfortunately for her, Dan and I are not animal people, so the pet store will have to suffice.
Girls Trip to the Tetons
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Family Pictures

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