Friday, July 17, 2015

Lake Powell 2015

Gearing up for a long car ride!

"The girls" 
Love these cute cousins so much. They are so lucky to have each other.

Seconds after this picture was taken, the girls landed and hit heads. Lindsey's head was cut and Taylor was knocked unconscious. Dan and I were back at the houseboat with the little kids, so we didn't see it happen. Luckily, she remained on the tube. Lindsey frantically tried to wake her up while Natalie and Grandma pulled her in. I still remember her arrival back at the houseboat. Either from shock or effects of a concussion, her body was completely stiff and her hands were stuck in a weird position. Having seen the effects of brain injury up close before, I was absolutely terrified. We quickly tended to her. Looking back, we probably should have sought medical attention right away. Instead, she just took it easy for the next couple days until we got home. In the months that followed, she complained of dizziness and loss of hearing. After visiting an ear specialist and having a catscan, he decided she needed surgery to restore her hearing. The surgery went well and we were so relieved that things went as well as they did.

Night fishing. The littles were relentless in their pursuit of a fish. Fisher got lucky and snagged one!

Cute grandpa and Quincy
Taylor "recovering"