Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Everyday Life

 Sometimes, you've got to capture the everyday stuff. Like picking your kids up from school. I am so excited to see this little guy running full speed  through the parking lot to the car everyday after school.
 There aren't a lot of pictures of me in existence. Partially because I am always the one behind the camera and partially because I don't really care for pictures of me. But, there has to be some evidence that I was there--living this beautiful life right alongside my beautiful children. So, here it is!

 So this is the last year I'll have a portion of the day for just Quincy and me. I'll miss the one-on-one time we have together. Quite honestly, it makes me want to break into ugly sobs. We made frequent trips to the pet store where she would pine for (and beg for) a puppy.
 Here, Loryn is dishing herself up some after-school ice cream. A typical occurrence. But Loryn is frequently whipping things up the kitchen, whether it me edible or just some crazy concoction.
Fisher was a good sport to give up his room to Uncle Jeffrey for a week or so. He was happy as a clam to set up camp in the office. Here he is watching Wild Kratts, one of his favorite shows. Someday, we'll have to inform him that being a Wild Kratt isn't a realistic professional choice. But until then, he's studying up on every random animal fact he can get his hands on.