Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Everyday Life

 Sometimes, you've got to capture the everyday stuff. Like picking your kids up from school. I am so excited to see this little guy running full speed  through the parking lot to the car everyday after school.
 There aren't a lot of pictures of me in existence. Partially because I am always the one behind the camera and partially because I don't really care for pictures of me. But, there has to be some evidence that I was there--living this beautiful life right alongside my beautiful children. So, here it is!

 So this is the last year I'll have a portion of the day for just Quincy and me. I'll miss the one-on-one time we have together. Quite honestly, it makes me want to break into ugly sobs. We made frequent trips to the pet store where she would pine for (and beg for) a puppy.
 Here, Loryn is dishing herself up some after-school ice cream. A typical occurrence. But Loryn is frequently whipping things up the kitchen, whether it me edible or just some crazy concoction.
Fisher was a good sport to give up his room to Uncle Jeffrey for a week or so. He was happy as a clam to set up camp in the office. Here he is watching Wild Kratts, one of his favorite shows. Someday, we'll have to inform him that being a Wild Kratt isn't a realistic professional choice. But until then, he's studying up on every random animal fact he can get his hands on.

Cub Scouts

Right before Christmas, I got released from my calling in the Young Women to be a Bear Den Leader in the Cub Scout program. I'm going to be honest, I started to cry. Me, crying! Right there in front of our second counselor! Needless to say, it was a big pill to swallow. Scouting is something I know nothing about. Literally nothing. And a gaggle of little boys! Well, we'll figure it out.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

 We went bowling at BYU!

More Basketball

Holiday Slaughter Ball

 As per the Holiday Master Plan, we gather together a large group of neighbors and friends to play slaughter ball at the church. It's a version of dodge ball and the kids love it!

 One of my favorite parts of the holidays is the chance I get to reunite with all my friends. All of us except Natalie live in Utah now, so you'd think we'd get together more often. But we don't! Plus, it's just not the same without Natalie. So, when she travels all the way here from Kenya, we drop everything to see each other.

Christmas Morning Booby Trap Tradition

My husband grew up with the tradition of having a booby trap every Christmas morning--either a hindrance or challenge to get to the presents. He and his siblings now do it for their own families. It has easily become the most anticipated part of our Christmas morning--my kids won't let us go without it.

This year, the kids woke up to discover that Santa had moved all his presents and stockings, including our presents to the kids somewhere else! They had to go on an Amazing Race to find them. They opened up their first clue and we were on our way!

 The first clue challenged them to find a manger and write their gift to Jesus on a piece of paper and put it before the baby Jesus. Even in the early morning hours, my kids were quick to remember this nativity scene at a neighbor's house.
 Our next clue lead us to a gazebo at the center of a very empty Riverwoods mall. We gathered inside and sang a Christmas carol at the top of our lungs!

 The next clue challenged the kids to leave some flowers on the headstones of their great-grandparents' headstones. Unfortunately, the cemetery was closed.

Next, the kids were challenged to find someone who might be working on Christmas morning and give them a present. They settled upon a CVS pharmacy, where they found this cheerful employee.
On our way home, we found these two find gentleman removing snow from the Provo Temple and MTC grounds. They were very appreciative.
 Our next clue lead them to Grandma and Grandpa Ross's house, where they had to do a taste challenge. Each of the kids were given something to eat or drink and had to guess it correctly.

 Poor Fisher's test didn't go so well. A chunk of pineapple sent this picky eater into tears.

 Once the taste test challenge was complete, the kids were given the clue to find their presents from Santa hidden in the next room! As you can see, it was a happy discovery for Quincy.

Our last clue told the kids that the rest of their presents (those from mom and dad) were at Grandma and Grandpa Fisher's house. We met there for opening more presents and breakfast! (I know I took pictures of this, but can't seem to find them--stay tuned!)

The Holiday Break Master Plan

 I found Loryn's master plan for the holiday break. She is such a planner, schemer, and inventor. I thought this was entertaining. (Though, obviously, we have a lot of work to do in the spelling and handwriting department!)

Holiday Flu

Inevitably at least some, if not all, of my kids get sick at Christmastime. This year, Quincy and Fisher got the lion's share of it with high fevers, aches, and chills. Quincy even had strep. And Fisher developed a lovely fever blister in his mouth!

 Look at the circles under her poor little eyes. I remember dragging her to the kids' Christmas concerts at school. She desperately didn't want to be there and slept in my arms through most of it. She was sad to miss her own class's performance.
 I guess the silver lining of sick kids for me has always been the snuggles. Typically, my kids don't sit still long enough for me to take care of them and cuddle them. But I love the chance to hold my kids and take care of them, especially now that they're getting older.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Lake Powell 2015

Gearing up for a long car ride!

"The girls" 
Love these cute cousins so much. They are so lucky to have each other.

Seconds after this picture was taken, the girls landed and hit heads. Lindsey's head was cut and Taylor was knocked unconscious. Dan and I were back at the houseboat with the little kids, so we didn't see it happen. Luckily, she remained on the tube. Lindsey frantically tried to wake her up while Natalie and Grandma pulled her in. I still remember her arrival back at the houseboat. Either from shock or effects of a concussion, her body was completely stiff and her hands were stuck in a weird position. Having seen the effects of brain injury up close before, I was absolutely terrified. We quickly tended to her. Looking back, we probably should have sought medical attention right away. Instead, she just took it easy for the next couple days until we got home. In the months that followed, she complained of dizziness and loss of hearing. After visiting an ear specialist and having a catscan, he decided she needed surgery to restore her hearing. The surgery went well and we were so relieved that things went as well as they did.

Night fishing. The littles were relentless in their pursuit of a fish. Fisher got lucky and snagged one!

Cute grandpa and Quincy
Taylor "recovering"