Sunday, October 5, 2014

Lake Powell 2014

Ok. Prepare yourself for picture overload. But Lake Powell simply just offers too many opportunities for great photos. And we were there for six days and did a lot of really great things that had to be documented! Lake Powell has been a tradition in the family since before we were married. In fact, Dan and I each grew up going to Lake Powell with our own families and friends. 

We've been taking our kids there since they were babies. No, really, I have gone to Lake Powell extremely pregnant and with extremely young babies. It's way more fun now, trust me. Either way, Lake Powell is part of our collective Ross history. The birthplace of so many fond memories. We used to go every year, sometimes twice. Most recently, we've been going every other year, making it an even more anticipated event.

Photo shoots atop the houseboat with beautiful young ladies are a new addition to our repertoire. Gone are the days of kiddie pools and sand toys for these teens. They are so beautiful!

The young crew still has fun playing in the sand and tubing together. Such cute kids.

These two are in the same grade at the same school. During the summer, they see each other almost every day. When they're at school, they barely acknowledge each other. I take that back--they sit next to each other in math class. 

Beautiful Taylor. 

I have finally accepted my fate as a pasty white, freckly, skin cancer prone albino. I am wiser now than I was as a teenager when I would completely fry and blister myself while my friends tanned.

Quincy spent every free moment she had in pursuit of geckos. She would comb the cliffs for them. Or beg someone to paddle along the rocks with her in a kayak. This is one of her trophies.

What would a Ross vacation be without crazy competitions, relays, and Olympic events? Nothing, I say. Above and below were a sampling of my little ones swimming their hearts out for a team event. Loryn is wearing a towel on her head that she subsequently had to wring out into a bucket waiting on the other side. 

And these are just shameless shots of my kiddos.

I think my kids are gorgeous and the light was perfect. What can I say?

Dan proving that he can still slalom on the week of his 36th birthday.

Could you ask for a more magnificent backdrop?

Lake Powell is one of the most breathtaking places in the world, as far as I'm concerned, particularly at dusk. But I'm not going to lie, when you combine 26 strong personalities, uber hot temperatures, and a week's worth of raw sewage into a very small space; things can get edgy. You forget all that, though, as you look at these pictures and remember the fun and the beauty and the memories made.