Sunday, October 5, 2014

Fun Run

This year the Fun Run was in the fall. For that reason, it seemed to really sneak up on us. Because the kids didn't train at all, we really tried hard to down-play it. We didn't run with the kids or invite grandparents. We just let them run and told them to do their best. It was so fun to watch them cross the finish line! My total and thorough hatred for running really endears their efforts to me. Seeing their little faces flushed with exertion makes we want to burst into tears. I am so proud to see them trying so hard! Fisher took third among the boys in his grade, and Loryn took fourth among the girls in her grade. They both ran so fast and so hard!

 I was pretty proud of this shot. Doesn't she look like she's glowing! Like the heavens have parted and are shining down on her! I love this little girl so much. She is all heart and soul, this one.

Doesn't your heart just burst open when you see this? Ok, so it's just mine. But honestly, look at how hard he's running. This is right at the finish line when he's fighting for third place. The fourth place little boy was literally right behind him.

These girls are darling. I am so glad they have each other. They both have spitfire personalities that sometimes only they can truly understand. They love and fight like sisters. They challenge each other and stand up for each other. And the second they are in the same house together, they disappear and we don't see them for hours. They still love to pretend, play, and imagine.

This is the third year in a row that Loryn has come in fourth place, just off the podium. Most girls would give up and stop trying. But not my Lo Lo! She never goes down without a fight.

These were the top four finishers in second grade. And they're all best buddies. Such a cute group of little boys.

Here is Katie with her friends. Meg (middle) won in her age group and plays soccer with Katie and Loryn. She is wicked fast!