Sunday, June 22, 2014

So, here we are another year past (or is, passed?). I'm the English major, I should know . . .but I don't. Anyway, I digress.

Obviously I haven't written. For a year. A whole year. And guess what else? I haven't really done any other means of meaningful journaling either. So here it is. Another feeble and likely futile effort to document our lives. If you want a long list of all the other things I haven't been doing (and should have been), I could give you a very robust list. If there is anything my life can do for you--it's to make you feel better about yourself ;)

Alas, I have maaaaajor issues with public blogs. The whole "no privacy" thing. The whole "my blog is ugly" thing. (Especially in comparison to a handful of uber talented, uber creative, uber well-written cousins and friends of mine--you know who you are!)

But despite those issues, I'm going public again. I have to go public so that I have some sort of obligation to my mother and Becky and Megan to write regularly. Those are the only three readers of this blog--so this is for you! But really, it's mostly just for me. For my kids. For my journal.

So cheers to yet another try! (And because blog posts are just downright boring without photos, I will just randomly post my favorite pictures from the last few weeks.)

This is our "School is Out!" celebratory dinner at Texas Roadhouse.

 This is Dan and the kids on Easter. Such a handsome family I have! I love that Fisher and Dan are matchers.

I wish I could magically merge this pictures. I was too lazy and too late for church to go ask a neighbor to take a picture. I have to force Dan to take the occasional picture with me in it to prove that I actually exist!

 Fisher cozying up at our Labor Day BBQ at Uncle Gary's house.
 We were lucky enough for go to the Seven Peaks pre-opening party again this year. Sadly, it fell on a VERY cold day. The kids didn't spend much times in the water. I LOVE this picture of Quincy and her pretty blues.

The actual day of our anniversary was very busy with lots of soccer games. But we managed to squeeze in a cake to celebrate the birthday of our family. Don't pity us, though. Dan and I were able to go to on a date the day before. Aren't these kids a funny bunch? Look what 14 years can give you!