Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Catching Up 2012

Ok, it's time I simply came clean. I have been AWOL for about nine months. And the task of trying to "catch up" this sad little blog has been far too daunting for me to face! So, I'm just not going to do it. You'll just have to take my word for it that we have done a lot of amazing things, been a lot of amazing places, and taken a lot of amazing pictures in the last nine months. And maybe, just maybe, you'll hear about it some day. But, in the meantime, we're just going to forge ahead.

It's the picture side of things that is really too unbearable to overcome, so I'll just sum up the last nine months with words.

Fisher graduated from preschool. Loryn got baptized. My girls both placed in the Rock Canyon Fun Run. Taylor went to 5th Grade Camp at Big Springs (just like her mom and dad did at her age). My beloved Papa Ace passed away, I had 4 cousins get married, threw a few wedding showers, etc.

In the spring, we purchased a house with Dan's sister, Jen. It was an old, smelly, little house in need of a lot of TLC. But it was in a great location and showed promise, so we scooped it up with the hope to "flip" it. Over the course of the spring and summer, we took almost everything out, put new stuff in and it ended up a thousand percent better. We accepted an offer on the quaint little cottage last week and we should close on it some time in September! It was a great project for our kids and for us. We all learned a lot, worked a lot, and were able to rally around a common cause.

 We ate a lot of Hokulias, attended a lot of soccer games, saw a few movies, reunited with our cousins from Florida and Texas for a few weeks, played with a few friends, did a lot of handstands and cartwheels, made up a lot of dances to the latest pop songs, watched A LOT of Olypics . . .

 We bade farewell to our favorite single "aunties", who are still our favorite and still our "aunties," but no longer single and no longer so close. Very sad and very happy all at once. We had a great 4th of July always with hot air balloons, swimming, family BBQ's and fireworks.
Over the summer, went to Idaho, Lake Powell, Lagoon, Kamas, Seven Peaks, weddings, parks, playgrounds, picnics, canyons. We had a jolly time spending our summer with cousins and friends and now we're lamenting the quick end of it and returning back to school!