Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bowling at BYU

Dan's brother, Brint, moved to Florida in February to go back to school. Natalie and the kids stayed back for a couple weeks to pack up their house and tie up loose ends. We did our best to make the most of their last week here. They even spent a couple days at our house after they'd packed up their house.

What would a final hurrah be without a trip to the BYU bowling alley? Natalie's kids had never been bowling before, so we definitely had to fit it in before we sent them off. Everyone had a blast!
 The "older kids" keepin' it cool.
 Kenzie and Taylor, sweet little friends 18 months apart (and kind of hard to tell apart from far away!)
 The "younger kids" all born within a six months of each other. A terrible trio indeed!
The little boys, Fisher and Luke, six months apart.

It has been such a blessing for my kids to have so many cousins both close to their age and close in proximity. But, the Rosses are starting to spread out a little and it's a little hard for all the kids. Dan's little brother is in Texas and his older brother is headed to Florida. I keep reminding them that I never lived in the same state as my cousins and we're still best friends!