Friday, September 14, 2012

The First Days of School

 Taylor started the sixth grade this year with Mrs. Narteh, which means it is her last year of elementary school. Yikes! I really cannot believe that she is this old--I can remember my own sixth grade year so well. Taylor is tall, tender, and tenacious. She is shy and often quiet, which can often be misinterpreted as aloof. But she can also be silly and funny and courageous. She read the Hunger Games trilogy this summer in about a two week period (much to my chagrin). She is naturally athletic and seems to have a knack for almost anything she tries. She loves being with her cousins or friends, lounging on the couch watching Cupcake Wars or Phineas and Ferb, tumbling on the trampoline or in the front room, and is a bonafide "foodie." She loves cookbooks, recipes, and watching the Food Network. Her style is "sporty" and she would rather be wearing a T-shirt, bastketball shorts, and a ponytail more than anything else. Shopping is a chore that typically involves crying. She is growing up so quickly, and I can't wait to see what life holds in store for her.
 Loryn started third grade this year. She was reluctant to leave her most beloved teacher, Mrs. Kussee, but I'm sure she'll like Miss Wilkins. Loryn is fierce and funny, whimsical and witty, competitive and crazy, dramatic and daring, imaginative and inspiring. She is full of song, dance, laughter, and heart. She wears her heart on her sleeve and is a hopeless romantic. This summer, she and her best "frenemy" and cousin, Katie, were inseparable--always putting on plays, shows, dances, dressing up, and pretending. Sometimes we call Loryn, "Legs" because that seems to be the majority of her body right now--long skinny legs. She is growing up quickly too and I don't know what happened to my little bird.
 Among my four kids, we had three different "first days", hence the different clothing.
 Fisher was positively ecstatic to start kindergarten this year. He has been desperately waiting to walk to school with the big kids and be in the same school as his sisters and cousins. He was literally jumping and skipping all over the house. He soaked it all up and reported every little detail. He wasn't as ready academically as my girls were, so I was a little tentative. But he seems to have taken to school like a duck in water. Fisher is a true delight, always happy and smiling and eager to be part of things. He is such a tender, sweet, affectionate little guy, but still manages to be all boy. He loves to wrestle, tease, make "boy" noises, tease his sisters, play the Wii, emulate his dad in everything, and play sports. This summer, he was his Grandpa Wayne's little shadow. Since we live with/next to his grandparents, I would frequently find Fisher missing. He was almost always following grandpa around--killing wasps, tinkering in the garage, or hitting golf balls, or snuggling in their bed watching cartoons.
 Miss Quincy is our little princess and she knows it. She gives us all orders in her remarkably high-pitched, speech-problem laden little voice. And yet, somehow, we all adore her. She is truly hilarious, full of sass and attitude and personality. But she is my little shadow. Since the moment she was born, she has been stuck to me like glue. I call her my "Little Koala" and she calls me "Mommy Koala," usually as she is tied around my leg. This summer, she spent most of her time trying to keep up with the big kids and surprising her grandparents with early morning and late night visits. Her oldest cousin, Lindsey, is her "best friend." She started preschool this year with Miss Sherryn, who has taught all my kids. She loves school and seems to have everything under control.