Saturday, April 17, 2010

General Conference

I love General Conference. Love it. But watching it the way I want to is a futile and frustrating effort with four little kids. The cute conference packets sent home by the primary can only sustain them for so long. On Saturday, we emptied about twenty storage bins full of our kids old clothes in front of the TV. We spent all day sorting, folding, and labeling as we listened to some amazing talks.

Sunday was Easter. We had an early morning Egg Hunt, our traditional Sunday morning muffins, and then settled in to watch some more Conference. Between sessions, the Duncans came to eat Easter Dinner with us and then stayed to watch the afternoon session. Okay, so I don't know if "watch" is the appropriate word here.

Tiffany and Brigham snuggled up together on the smallest couch they could find, and Megan arranged a cute scavenger hunt for the kids that ended with finding bubbles and candy. Dan was sprawled on the floor and snuck in a few winks of sleep as the kids crawled over him. Jeffrey just sat on the couch, offering an occasional directive or giggle.