Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Sometimes God gives us moments that only we can appreciate and learn from. These moments remind us that he does care about our mundane and somewhat trivial worries even amid much larger tragedies in the world.

Such a moment came on Monday (I hate Mondays) when I was having a particularly hard day mostly due to my own stupidity and absent-mindedness. Anyway, as I was driving to the same store for the third time that day to pick up my lost wallet, Garth Brooks' "The Dance" came on the radio. That song has always reminded me of Dan Heath which, in turn, reminded me that he died this weekend three years ago. I listened to the words of the song "I'm glad I didn't know the way it all would end, the way it all would go. Our lives are better left to chance. I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance." Surely, if sweet Dan Heath could have seen the way it would have ended up for him, perhaps he would have sat the dance out. Lucky for me, he chose to dance. And I feel blessed to have shared it with him for a while.

After that little moment, it didn't really matter that it was 6:00 and I hadn't showered or that I had lost my wallet or that my kids had screamed all day and the house was a mess. (the picture above is Dan Heath and my Dan headed out for a literal dance. It always makes me laugh. Who wouldn't laugh at a red cumberbun?)