Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Gift of Today

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, I attended a funeral of a 40-year old man whose death was sudden and unexpected. Though I didn't know him (I am friends with his sister), I was touched by the experience. Perhaps it was because it was the season of Thanksgiving, but I was particularly aware of my gratitude for the many blessings in my life. I couldn't shake the thought that each day is a gift. Tomorrow is never guaranteed to us.

I'm sure like all of us, I have often had the mentality of "just getting through the day" instead of actually "spending" the day. I chided myself because I may have had a few too many of those days this year than I should have. What if the day we are so eager just to "get through" is our last? It's a fatalist thought, but one that I will definitely benefit from.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! How thankful I am for all of you. (I can say that because I know who is reading this blog). And I love each and every one of you.