Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Truly Pathetic

I don't know about you, but there are few more helpless feelings than being the mother of a sick child. Poor Quincy has barely moved or eaten for a week. And I've done every trick in the book. Blankies, treats, baths, medicine, doctors visits, and lots of cuddling. But nothing seems to work.

If there is an upside to prolonged sickness, though, it's the snuggling. It's the only time they ever sit still long enough to give them loves. And in Quincy's case, it's also the only time she'll sit still long enough to put a headband on. Unfortunately, I couldn't really capitalize on the moment because she looks absolutely miserable. Maybe she could be the poster child for some children's hospital?
True to the title of this post, I must have also looked TRULY PATHETIC today as I trudged my two little ones through the snowy and bitter cold parking lots of doctors offices and hospitals. Sometimes I just have to laugh at the sight I must be. I had to park in the nether regions of the hospital and drag Fisher through slush and ice as I held Quincy. He, of course, slipped and started crying. Once I registered with the hospital for labwork, I then had to take the kids back to the car, buckle them in, and go to a different section of the hospital to have the labwork done. There, I waited like a leper in the specially marked "influenza" waiting room. THEN, some nurse suited up from head to toe stuck a six inch tube down each of Quincy's nostrils to "de-goop." This, of course, traumatized Fisher as much as it did Quincy.
All in all, a day to go down in the record books. Both for snowfall and total treachery.