Monday, November 2, 2009

Prick Or Feet?

Halloween happily (or not?) fell on a Saturday this year which meant we faced the tall order of filling the day with activities until it was time to go trick-or-treating. We started off the morning with the breakfast of champions, donuts and chocolate milk. And then proceeded to paint our pumpkins.

After lunch, Megan and Tiffany joined us for what was quite possibly the most pathetic attempt at carmel apples ever performed. They were truly deplorable and disgusting. But we assured ourselves we'd get better with practice. We brightened our day by visiting our Papa Ace and feeding the ducks outside his retirement home.

We ended the night with a quick stroll around the neighborhood for some trick-or-treating. Surprisingly, Fisher loved it and was disappointed he had to stop when his sisters lost their steam. He absolutely would NOT dress up, but he was more than delighted to ring doorbells and shout, "Prick or Feet!"