Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Jameson!

Happy Birthday Beautiful!

If there is one place I have failed it is in the big sister department. I've always mothered and smothered him more than I should. I've let our age difference become an obstacle rather than an opportunity. And I've been outspoken at times when I should have been supportive. But, all that aside, I adore the kid. We often wonder how we came from the same gene pool, but that is the real beauty of it. He is so many things that I am not, and I genuinely appreciate that. And who can resist his "Blue Steel" pose?

And he is an amazing uncle. Every kid should have an uncle that wrestles with them and chases them around the house. Or tickles them until they cry. Fisher calls him "Mint" for no apparent reason. But we sure love Uncle Mint.