Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Baby is One

It's crazy to think that one year ago, I was bringing home a newborn, facing all the challenges and excitement of introducing another child into the family. It's amazing how much can change in a year. My little baby is growing up. She's still pretty tiny, but she's sprouting teeth, testing her balance on standing, and developing more personality every day.

Each one of my children, like all children, have an individual personality and brings something unique to our family. My experience with Quincy has been so sweet and senitmental. Knowing that she is quite possibly our last child, I just want to savor every moment. She is so tiny, so sweet, so happy, so precious. The other kids simply adore her. In so many ways, this year has literally flown by. It's bittersweet to know that the days of having a newborn may be forever behind me. Babies definitely bring an irreplaceable energy and spirit into a home. It makes me resolve again to cherish every fleeting moment I have with my little ones.
We celebrated Quincy's birthday a few days late (luckily she didn't mind) with her grandparents, a few presents, and the traditional cake-eating fest. She was pretty dainty and delicate in her eating, so her sisters and uncle helped her get a little more messy. She preferred the ice cream that grandpa was obligingly sneaking her.