Saturday, October 31, 2009

Primary Halloween

This year the youth in our ward hosted a Halloween Carnival for the primary kids. The girls were excited to have one more chance to get dressed up in their spiffy pirate costumes. They were each the most tenacious donut-on-a-string eaters I have ever seen. They didn't give up until their necks were stiff and they were covered in glaze. I was in charge of face painting where I showcased my incomparable art skills, he he. The youth concluded with a stunning performance of Michael Jackson's "Thriller." It was a great night--I love prolonging holidays over several days!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Runt of the Litter

I know a lot of mothers who, on any given day, can tell you how much their children weigh, how tall they are, and what percentile they fall in. Good for them because I never can. I can tell you that Taylor has always been extra tall, Loryn and Fisher are normalish, and Quincy is small. So there you have it.

But I went to the doctor yesterday and he reminded me that Quincy is in the fifth percentile for weight and always has been. This I will remember because I think it's nuts. I think it's completely bizarre that one of our children can be so small. She's one now and all of her 12 month clothes drown her. She is quite literally the runt of our little litter and we love her desperately. (But I hope she grows!)

Rough Day at the Office

To say that Dan has had a bad week (or month . . . or year) at the office would be a colossal understatement. So, after a long day at work, our girls' devised a plan to give dad a back massage when he came home. We lit candles, turned the lights down, turned on soft music, and then each of the kids pitched in to give daddy a back rub. I don't know how relaxing it ended up being, but it was the sweetness of their thought that counts.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Fisher pronounces his name "Shisher." And Shisher has been in a bit of a funk for the last couple weeks. Thus, his poor mother has been in a bit of a funk, or should we say, at the end of her quickly fraying rope! Bless his sweet little heart, though. We can't help but love him in spite of himself. In a temporary glimmer of quasi-happiness, Shisher sported these snazzy shades yesterday. His resemblance to Elton John was at once hilarious and frightening.

After spending some time with me and Shisher yesterday, Auntie Tiffy recommended the book, "Pain Free Parenting." Apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks we need help. Thankfully, she had the patience to make this pile of leaves for him to slide into and to read him several books. Then, she really went the extra mile and helped me ice over 8 dozen sugar cookies with royal icing, which is a pain-staking process, particularly with four kids tugging on your pant leg. My mom helped out too. Thanks a billion!

My Baby is One

It's crazy to think that one year ago, I was bringing home a newborn, facing all the challenges and excitement of introducing another child into the family. It's amazing how much can change in a year. My little baby is growing up. She's still pretty tiny, but she's sprouting teeth, testing her balance on standing, and developing more personality every day.

Each one of my children, like all children, have an individual personality and brings something unique to our family. My experience with Quincy has been so sweet and senitmental. Knowing that she is quite possibly our last child, I just want to savor every moment. She is so tiny, so sweet, so happy, so precious. The other kids simply adore her. In so many ways, this year has literally flown by. It's bittersweet to know that the days of having a newborn may be forever behind me. Babies definitely bring an irreplaceable energy and spirit into a home. It makes me resolve again to cherish every fleeting moment I have with my little ones.
We celebrated Quincy's birthday a few days late (luckily she didn't mind) with her grandparents, a few presents, and the traditional cake-eating fest. She was pretty dainty and delicate in her eating, so her sisters and uncle helped her get a little more messy. She preferred the ice cream that grandpa was obligingly sneaking her.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Crazy Hair Day!

In honor of Red Ribbon Week, the girls' school had a crazy hair day today. They were both so excited to sport their "crazy" do's. Funny, I sort of feel like every day is crazy hair day in my world.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy Birthday You Two!

This week we celebrated the birthdays of two of my favoritest people: my mom and my baby girl. Unfortunately, my attempt at a party for my mom took a turn for the worst as my family entered the early stages of a 4-day long bout with the stomach flu. I'm sure her birthday cake wasn't very appetizing knowing that I was cleaning up kids' throw-up in between bites.

But my mom is a trooper, what can I say. She is truly incredible and I don't tell her enough. She never ceases to amaze me and I will spend the rest of my life just trying to be a fraction of the mother she was to me. So Hapy 35th Birthday Mom! (We measure age by looks in this family).

As for Quincy, she turned 1 on October 21st. I felt so guilty that I let such a monumental milestone go unacknowledge because I didn't have the energy to get off the couch. Luckily, she will never know the difference! Never fear, we will let her perform the sacred rite of tearing into her first birthday cake this weekend.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Teething Season

Touchdown! She is destined to be a football fan, I can just tell. Anyway, my darling little Star is sprouting four teeth almost simultaneously. Her bottom two just grew in only to have her top two rear their ugly heads.

She hasn't slept through the night for the past several nights. I know, I know, I'm a whiner. But I've enjoyed a full night's rest for so long that it's a kick in the pants to start getting up in the middle of the night again.

The poor little thing is miserable and if I didn't feel so bad for her, I might be thoroughly annoyed. As I write this, she has just awakened and it looks to be a long night. The joys of motherhood never cease.

Comfort Music

People talk a great deal about comfort food. Chicken soup for the soul and all that. But what of comfort music? When life has really beat you down and you need to indulge the deepest of your emotions, forget chicken soup. Give me John Denver and Cat Stevens! Never mind that these men are not from my generation. Never mind that it has never been cool for me to completely adore them. Their music is cathartic, healing, and sweet to my soul.

The strains of their music can instantly bring me to tears. It conjures heartache, sweet memories, sentimentality and everything in between. As a child, their music is what filled our house. As a teenager, it was one of the strong and strange commonalities I shared with my friends. As an adult, it represents a refuge and a reminder.
Yes, it's true. I have been openly laughed at for loving John Denver as I do. Especially considering my age. In high school, my friends and I took every opporunity to see him in concert. The most memorable trip was a very small and intimate concert at Teton Village in Jackson Hole. We were literally the only people under 40 in the venue. Such a rare sight, in fact, that we were interviewed by the local newspaper. Sure, most other teenagers were listening to over-produced and fabricated, sappy pop or indulging their teenage angst and anger in grunge and punk bands. Not me, I love the simplicity, honesty, purity, and poetry of John and Cat.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Eight is Great

I fear the unknown. Especially when it comes to raising my children and watching them enter the uncharted waters of new phases in life. When Taylor was a baby, I was pretty sure I wouldn't like the awkward, giggly third grade phase. My own version of that time of life is seared into my memory.

However, I am have been delightfully surprised to find myself as the very contented and proud mother of an eight year old. Taylor turned 8 this week and I couldn't be more fond of her. It has been fun to watch her develop a unique personality of her own, find her strengths and talents, and stretch her wings a bit. As she tells me about the boys at school who "like" her and asks me to download Miley Cyrus songs, I find myself giggling rather than recoiling. It's a delightful time of life and she is becoming a strong and sweet young lady.

I have already extolled the many virtues of Taylor at length in this blog, but in honor of her birthday, I must go on. Taylor is socially guarded and self-conscious, but sweet and silly with the best of her friends. She is embarrassed to admit emotion or failure (I wonder why?), but is deeply sensitive and nurturing. She is an amazing big sister. In many ways, she is an old soul. In other ways, she is surprisingly young and naive. Unlike many of her peers, she has not been eager to grow up too quickly and still has a very innocent quality. I absolutely adore her and can't wait to see what another year brings.