Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Junior High: The Armpit of Life

My house is conveniently situated in the pathway between the middle school and several other adjoining neighborhoods. So at 3:00, I watch throngs of newly crowned teenagers walk by my house. The insecurity and angst we all felt at their age is so glaringly apparent, it’s all I can do to keep from running out, throwing my arms around them, and assuring them that it will be better someday. I was lucky enough not to realize it at the time, but junior high is quite possibly the worst, most awkward, and difficult time of life to navigate.

The mere prospect of having to send my own children someday literally turns my stomach. Its like sending sheep to the lion’s den, in my opinion. And yet, perhaps it is a necessary evil for social success. Maybe it’s like New York City, if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.