Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mommy Guilt

I'm not going to lie. I have a fair amount of mommy guilt. Maybe even more than the average person. When we've lost something or someone pops in for a visit, I am absolutely humiliated that the house is messy or I'm disorganized. When I'm cleaning the house, I feel bad that the kids are parked in front of the TV. When I'm spending time with the kids, I'm beating myself up that the house is a mess. You get my drift?

One great source of my mommy guilt is the time I don't spend with the tikes. Sure, I spend every minute of the day with them. But I feel like I don't have the time to really invest in them as I did with the older ones because now the older ones need my help with homework, lessons, sports, etc. So, in my moments of extreme guilt, I leave the dishes and laundry undone and take the kiddies to do something fun. On this day, we went to the mall to play on the playground and ride the quarter rides. And they loved it . . . for the most part.