Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Loryn!

Loryn turned 7 on March 22, which was a Tuesday. We had late swimming lessons, so we ended up having a quick late-night cake and ice cream with family. But I took her to lunch earlier in the day. She thought me taking her out of class was the best! And the previous Saturday we took all of her friends swimming at my friend Jamie's indoor pool.

I have to say I love my little Loryn. She has always added such a fun dimension to our family. She is full of excitement and energy and passion. She is tender-hearted, concerned, and thoughtful. She always has a lot to say and is just fun to be around. I have absolutely loved watching her grow up (even though I don't really want her to!) I can't believe she is 7 already, but I know she has big things ahead of her. I know it's tough being a "middle child," be she has really carved out a place for herself in our family and in our hearts. We love Loryn and her silliness, sparkle, and sass!