Thursday, April 14, 2011


Such is the life of these little ones. Watching from the sidelines. There such good sports to go to all these games. They spend a lot of time watching their sister do this.

I love my babies.

And yes, I will probably still be calling them that when they are 35.

Temple with the Ladies

I had the wonderful opportunity to go to the temple with my high school friends last week. (two of them had left before I had the good sense to pull out the camera. Sorry!) Anyway, I was really touched by the experience of being there with these ladies who I love so much. We've seen each other through a lot, and continue to face a lot. And I felt a sense of triumph as we were there together. We're weathering the storm alright, you know? The event that brought us all together there is that one of my friends is going through a divorce. Life is tough for everyone. But there is such comfort and joy in knowing that you have people. And for my part, I am glad that these gals are some of my people.

Mommy Guilt

I'm not going to lie. I have a fair amount of mommy guilt. Maybe even more than the average person. When we've lost something or someone pops in for a visit, I am absolutely humiliated that the house is messy or I'm disorganized. When I'm cleaning the house, I feel bad that the kids are parked in front of the TV. When I'm spending time with the kids, I'm beating myself up that the house is a mess. You get my drift?

One great source of my mommy guilt is the time I don't spend with the tikes. Sure, I spend every minute of the day with them. But I feel like I don't have the time to really invest in them as I did with the older ones because now the older ones need my help with homework, lessons, sports, etc. So, in my moments of extreme guilt, I leave the dishes and laundry undone and take the kiddies to do something fun. On this day, we went to the mall to play on the playground and ride the quarter rides. And they loved it . . . for the most part.

Fisher Plays Soccer, Sort of

So, Fisher has been dragged around to countless soccer games over the years and has begged for his own chance to play. Well, it has come! The kid was so excited, he wore his uniform all day in anticipation. And then came the game. We had no idea what to expect since he had never played before. It turns out, that he spent the entire game making cool moves like the ones in these pictures. He as jumping, dancing, doing ninja moves, giving us thumbs up. He didn't touch the ball once. But he was as happy as a clam just to be a part of it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Service Project

My BFF Sarah LaPray Abbott asked me to help her head up one of the service project for BYU Women's Conference this year. Initially, we were overwhelmed by the enormity of the task (1500 fabric flowers that we had to design, shop for, pre-cut, pre-thread). But, we've been able to piece meal it over time and we finally finished assembling the take-n-make kits that will be passed out during the conference. Whew! But there is no way we could have done it without the help of our Young Women's groups. And the last minute work session our family all showed up for Conference weekend was invaluable! And I know that the cancer patients will feel prettier having our cute flowers to put on their caps!

Sprained Ankle

Dan has been playing basketball on Tuesday and Thursday mornings with the same group of guys for 11 years. With several ex-college and high school players in the mix, it gets pretty competitive. There have been broken fingers, broken hands, broken ankles, stitches, bruises, etc. But none of them for my Dan. Well, I guess he was about due for an injury when he came home with this sprained ankle. The picture really doesn't do it justice. His left foot was about twice the size of his right. And he couldn't walk for days. Two weeks later, he still can't run, but the bruising is finally starting to die down.

First Taste of Spring

Back before the series of storms that brought heavy snowfall, hail, and threats of flooding, we had a delightful touch of warm weather. The kids were so excited for this little bit of sunshine, we went to the park, blew bubbles, went on walks, and had a picnic outside. We chose the front lawn because there are about six houses being built across the street from us. Fisher is in heaven with the endless parade of cement mixers, dump trucks, and backhoes. He sits on our corner and watches them regularly.

Singing Class

A darling neighbor of mine hosts a singing class a few times a month in our church building. She was an elementary school teacher and loves music, and has so many cute songs and ideas for the toddlers in our neighborhood. Fisher and Quincy absoutely love singing class. These pictures are from a St. Patrick's Day singing class. From the looks of it, Fisher has got the Irish jig down!

Happy Birthday Loryn!

Loryn turned 7 on March 22, which was a Tuesday. We had late swimming lessons, so we ended up having a quick late-night cake and ice cream with family. But I took her to lunch earlier in the day. She thought me taking her out of class was the best! And the previous Saturday we took all of her friends swimming at my friend Jamie's indoor pool.

I have to say I love my little Loryn. She has always added such a fun dimension to our family. She is full of excitement and energy and passion. She is tender-hearted, concerned, and thoughtful. She always has a lot to say and is just fun to be around. I have absolutely loved watching her grow up (even though I don't really want her to!) I can't believe she is 7 already, but I know she has big things ahead of her. I know it's tough being a "middle child," be she has really carved out a place for herself in our family and in our hearts. We love Loryn and her silliness, sparkle, and sass!

Birthday Shopping

My mom and dad were on a cruise during Fisher's birthday, so when they got home, my mom took Fisher on a shopping spree to Toys R Us. The funny part of this story is that he couldn't really decide on anything he really wanted! What kid has that problem? Anyway, we finally settled on some games. And the real treat of the day was riding the quarter rides at the front of the store. Isn't that how it goes, though? You can spend an arm and a leg on kids and they always like the littlest things best!

Swimming Lessons

This winter, I signed up the three oldest kids for swimming lessons. Fisher has been waiting for months for his chances to have swimming lessons like the big kids. They had a wonderful time and were all quite the little swimmers!