Every day I lay down with him until he falls asleep for his nap, and he gives me a goodnight kiss, tucks me in, and tells me a story. His stories are hilarious. It's my favorite time of the day. Today his story was all about finding a friend, who invited Fisher to come to his house and play with his new toy. And he said, "I like you so much." This story is especially sad because Fisher has no boy friends and is desperate for one. A day rarely goes by when he doesn't say, "Mommy, I need a boyfriend!" And he gets so sad every time his sisters go off to play.
Fisher also prides himself on being "my best helper." He's obsessed with being a super awesome cool dude like a super hero. (this really plays to my advantage when we need him to eat his meat and veggies.) And a couple days ago he informed that he was going to be a superstar when he grew up. And one of my all-time favorite things he does in this vein, he runs everywhere. But not a normal run. He starts just like Bugs Bunny in the cartoons. He backs up and runs in place really fast, like he's getting speed before he takes off. Hysterical.
Yes, I love me some Fisher Dan.