Sunday, January 16, 2011

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve Day with all the Ross cousins at Trafalga. We had so much fun playing mini golf, arcade games, and watching interactive movies. Afterwards, the big kids went to see Secretariat while I took the little ones home for naps. That night, we had Christmas Eve dinner with the Fishers. It was a fun day.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Lovin' This Boy

I've got to tell you. I have a crush on this little guy. I absolutely love him to pieces. You'd be hard-pressed to find a more naturally happy and sweet little boy. Maybe he knows he's wrapping me around my finger because every day he tells me, "Mom, I love you so much. Thanks for being my best friend." Melt.

Every day I lay down with him until he falls asleep for his nap, and he gives me a goodnight kiss, tucks me in, and tells me a story. His stories are hilarious. It's my favorite time of the day. Today his story was all about finding a friend, who invited Fisher to come to his house and play with his new toy. And he said, "I like you so much." This story is especially sad because Fisher has no boy friends and is desperate for one. A day rarely goes by when he doesn't say, "Mommy, I need a boyfriend!" And he gets so sad every time his sisters go off to play.

Fisher also prides himself on being "my best helper." He's obsessed with being a super awesome cool dude like a super hero. (this really plays to my advantage when we need him to eat his meat and veggies.) And a couple days ago he informed that he was going to be a superstar when he grew up. And one of my all-time favorite things he does in this vein, he runs everywhere. But not a normal run. He starts just like Bugs Bunny in the cartoons. He backs up and runs in place really fast, like he's getting speed before he takes off. Hysterical.

Yes, I love me some Fisher Dan.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wannabe Sociologist

This is me when I was little. Oh, to be that cute again!

This entry is one of those personal confession types. Most of my posts are dedicated to the latest and greatest that my kids are doing, but this one is just about quirky old me. I don't know if many people know this about me, so I thought I'd come clean. Since the time I was little I have been a wannabe sociologist. I love to study people, their relationships, their personalities, their motives, their actions. I don't even know that I do it consciously. And I don't know if this make me unique. Although, I think it might because it drives my sweet husband bananas.

But I felt like I had to confess. So, you can bet that if you're reading this, I've personality profiled you, studied your relationships, and theorized about my relationship with you. But don't fret, it's not in a self-righteous way, because heaven knows I'm crazier than a bed bug. Anyway, now that I've got that off my chest, I feel much better. At least now you know.