Saturday, December 10, 2011

Awesome Nursery

We have an amazing nursery leader in our ward. Truly amazing. Quincy went from being somewhat afraid of nursery to literally running to class every Sunday. Quincy LOVES Sister Moulton--she is the toddler whisperer. Anyway, she sent us home with these blocks one Sunday with the assignment to build a temple and take a picture of us with it. What a fun activity!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lake Powell Reunion

For Fall Break this year, Dan's parents surprised us all by getting a week on their houseboat in Lake Powell. Lake Powell has been an annual tradition in their family since they were little. But, the last three years has been a little rough for all of us, so we haven't gone in that time. But we were all thrilled with the opportunity to go back again. Dan's brother's family drove up from Texas to be there, so the whole family could be together. It was a truly perfect week. And we were all grateful to Wayne and Jody for making it happen!

Happy Birthday Quincy!

Quincy had her third birthday while we were in Lake Powell. At first I was worried that she would miss the splendor of a traditional party with big gifts, a fancy cake, etc. But wait a minute, she at a beach with all of her cousins and having tube rides to her heart's content! It doesn't get any better than that! She absolutely loved the tube. She giggled the whole time and just kept saying, "This is so silly!" The picture below captures one of life's truly priceless moments.

More Lake Powell

Lake Powell in October is really wonderful. We were worried about the cold, but it was really pleasant. In fact, it was nice not being sweltering hot and sweating in your sleep! The days were warm, the nights were cool, and the water was tolerable.

This trip is magical for the kids. Because we haven't been for three years, it was Fisher and Quincy's first trip. They were in heaven, along with all the other kids. We packed 10 adults and 15 kids on to a houseboat. The quarters were a little tight and the bathrooms get a little stinky, but there is something magical about secluding your family away from the world for a week.

Because it got dark so much quicker than in the summer, we had a lot more time to spend on the boat in the evenings. One of our evening activities was decorating Halloween sugar cookies. Those are a lot of happy, sunburned kids!

Scrumptious Sand

We found a beach with the most deliciously fabulous sand. We spent endless hours building, digging, and burying in it! As you can see, the whole family pitched in to dig a series of pools, dams, and passageways. Very exciting stuff.

Learning to Ski

I've got to say the Rosses have perfected the art of teaching kids to ski. They invested in little kids skis that are roped together. Then they have one person holding them steady in the shallow water and another holding the rope and skis straight. They can't fail! Taylor and Loryn both got up when they were 3 and 4 years old and I'm sure Fisher could have had he be willing to try!

Ladies of Leisure

The mommies play lifeguard while the kiddies build sandcastles and splash in the water.

Ooga Booga

Lest you wonder by these pictures if we have taken part in a cult activity, Ooga Booga is a family initiation tradition that the Rosses have had for years. Every time we go to Lake Powell, we light a fire on the rocks and induct the children who have come "of age." While the rites do include chanting and dancing, they also include a whoopie cushion. So, don't worry, there's nothing too heathen about this!

Primary Program Sunday

I'm a little partial, but I think I have beautiful children. And I take absolutely no credit for that, by the way. I'm told they look like their dad!

We had our ward Primary program in October and the kids did a wonderful job. I am in the primary myself for the first time in my adult life and I have to say there is something special about seeing all those sweet little kids sing with such conviction and purity.

Coach Dad

Here is Loryn with her coach at her last soccer game of the fall season. She played really well this season and we were so proud of her. Sweet Dan went straight from coaching Loryn's soccer team on Wednesday to coaching her basketball team for the season on Saturday. And when he finished with that, he started up Taylor's basketball team the next week. He's a very supportive and encouraging dad.

Fall Leaves in Provo Canyon

Can you believe we live five minutes from this? How lucky are we?

Happy Birthday Taylor!

Taylor is my first-born, my darling little baby. But, ten years later, she's not so little anymore. It seems like she is getting taller, more mature, and more grown up literally every day and I feel like time is passing right in front of my eyes! Taylor is a bright, athletic, even tempered little lady. She has been a constant joy. But more than anything else, she has a heart of gold. She is a truly amazing sister. She is my right hand and biggest helper. Without ever being asked, she is always there to console the little kids, put on their shoes, get them dressed, or help them get something to eat. She is instinctively nurturing and innately tender. She will be a wonderful mommy someday. I absolutely adore my "Little Bit" and don't know what I'd do or be without her. She made me a mommy and changed my life forever.

Taylor's Tenth & Tailgate

Taylor turned ten on Friday, September 30th and we packed if full of all the fun we could think of. After school, we had cake and ice cream with friends and then we headed for Extreme Air Sports. This is the coolest warehouse full of springboard, climbing walls, trampolines, rubber mats, and foam pits.

Afterwards, we ran home to host a tailgate at our house for the BYU football game. We invited all of our friends and neigbors to celebrate Taylor's birthday and tailgate with us. We set up our big screen and a huge sound system in the backyard and brought out a ton of yummy food. We partied late into the night and the kids were in heaven.

Sadly, there are no pictures of the tailgate to memorialize the occasion, so these cute ones of the kids will have to do!

A Trip to the Zoo

We had a random Monday off of school in September. I started the morning off with no grand ambition, but then as I puttered around aimlessly in my bathrobe and the kids were mesmerized mindlessly in front of the television, I thought, "What are we doing?!" So, I called my mom and we quickly rallied ourselves for an impromptu visit to the zoo.

I'm lucky that Jeffrey and my mom are always up for an adventure. It was a beautiful day and SO much more fun than cleaning and watching television! The kids always love the zoo and the little ones are so funny with the animals. Quincy talks baby talk to all the cute baby animals and Fisher can't get enough of the snakes and spiders.

We were able to happen upon a very friendly giraffe who was literally a foot away from us.

My Funny Kids

Sometimes a picture just says it all, doesn't it?

St. George

The weekend after going to the Tetons, we had the opportunity to go to St. George on a last-minute whim. One of Dan's friends offered us the use of his house on Thursday night. I quickly packed on Friday morning and we left after lunch on Friday as a surprise to the kids. As we were driving there, we suddenly realized this was the first vacation (if you could call it that) we have EVER taken as our little family all by ourselves!

Though it was a farily short and low-key trip, we had a wonderful time just lounging around in a new place. We ate out, swam, hiked, and watched the BYU game.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Jackson Lake Lodge

In September, my parents treated us to a weekend in Teton National Park. It was perfect. We stayed at Jackson Lake Lodge, where my parents stay every time they come. The views from the lodge are amazing and you can usually spot wildlife in these fields right behind the patio.

The Lodge sports an honest-to-goodness, old school diner-style, grill with barstools and lunch counters. The kids think this is fabulous. It also boasts a fancy schmancy dining room with floor to ceiling views of the moutains, uppity cuisine, and butter in the shape of moose. This is also fabulous.

We stayed in little cabins that surround the lodge. The kids kept fighting over the honor of keeping the key and unlocking the door. When does that lose its lustre for the rest of us? The mere opportunity of sleeping in a hotel room was such an adventure for all of them. The kids busied themselves in squirrel spotting while the rest of rested and read in between activities.