Saturday, October 30, 2010

Zoo with Megan

In honor of Quincy's birthday and her love for animals, Megan and I took the kids to the zoo last weekend. We had a wonderful time and I was sooo appreciative for Megan's help and her camera!
As we drove to Salt Lake in a complete downpour, we were a little discouraged and almost changed our plans. But a few minutes into our zoo adventure, the rain stopped and the sun came out. It ended up being a cool and beautiful autumn day at the zoo. The leaves were gorgeous and we had the zoo almost completely to ourselves.

To the kids' delight, we had a peacock join us for lunch. And we narrowly missed the next storm by just few seconds. The clouds burst right as we pulled out of the parking lot. All in all, it was a blessed day. And I was glad to able to share it with my kids and one of my bestest friends. (even though she ended up breaking her foot in the process! sorry megs)
By some strange twist of fate, some of the women that would make the greatest mothers in the world are not yet mothers themselves. To these women in my life, I would like to offer my deepest respect, honor, admiration, and gratitude. You are tremendous examples and blessings in my life. Megan is one of these great women. She will make an incredible mother someday. In the meantime, I reap the enivable benefits of her being the greatest auntie to my kids.

And boy, do they love her!