Saturday, September 4, 2010

Reality Check

I dedicated this blog to "keeping it real," telling the nitty gritty of being a mom that is far less than perfect. And I just realized that my latest posts paint a pretty rosy picture of life. It's true, I'm lucky and I'm blessed. So many of the things that have been all to real recently aren't really fodder for casual blog posts, but here are some the "reality checks" worth sharing.

* Loryn got a "red card" her first week of school for talking too much. She had to stay in from recess and called me at home to admit her infraction.

* I don't recall showering before 3:00, if at all, any day this week.

* Loryn told me my tummy looked like I was going to have another baby. And Fisher called it "squishy."

* My mom suffered a mini stroke and possibly a brain cyst/tumor, reminding us all that life could change in an instant.

* I sent my girls back to school only to get sick. They had hacking coughs, exhaustion, and fevers. They've already missed a couple days of school!

* A woman rang my doorbell as I was literally dripping wet and pulling on clothes after the shower. She INSISTED on "peeking" in at my house (because it's for sell). Dishes piled out of the sink and all over the counter. Popsicle melted on the floor. Cheerios stuck to the table. Cushions pulled off the couch for a fort. Clothes flung all over the entry. I didn't even let her see the rest of the house. I kid you not. I almost died of humiliation.

* I stayed out late (1:00am) with my high school friends only to realize that we're total lightweights and can't party(and by party, I mean chat into the wee hours) like we used to. I was completely dysfunctional the next day. And the conversation was even more of a reality check. Now, WE'RE the worried moms for a change. Friends are divorced. Others have died. Family members are struggling . . . lost jobs, lost spouses, diseases, prison sentences. Just a reminder that we're the adults now.