Friday, May 28, 2010

Mom's Retirement Party

My mom has been a grade school teacher for 34 years and finally decided to retire this year. So, on the eve of her very last day of school, I organized a retirement open house for her in my aunt's backyard. It turned out fabulously (which I can say unabashedly because I give complete credit to all my helpers.) Lest you think I am super aesthetic or creative, I will tell you now my true gift is delegation. (sidenote: what is with my chronic lazy eye? Hence, the shocking lack of pictures of myself.)

One of my oldest and dearest friends, Natalie Pope (whom I've know since first grade), helped me with all the food. And she manned the kitchen all night. She was a real trooper and there was no way I could have done it without her. (And the super fancy tarts were ordered.)

My Aunt Maridon did ALL the decorating with absolutely no help from me. She rented the tables, chairs, and linens, and she did the floral arrangements herself with her friend. Isn't it all amazing? And I can't thank her enough for letting me use her backyard! You almost don't have to decorate at all with such a serene backdrop!
All in all, it was a lovely, peaceful night with extremely cooperative weather (it had snowed a few days earlier!) It was so fun to see so many family, friends, and coworkers come together to honor my mom.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


My cousins and I spent the better part of our time together as youth recreating this movie. The record to the musical was one of the few our grandma owned, and we would spend hours dancing to the music in her front room. And even more hours rehearsing our own version of the play in her basement.

My girls have never seen "Annie," so we felt it a cultural obligation to share it with them this weekend. Megan and Tiffany came over, we made yummy treats, and we all snuggled in to watch this veritable classic. Of course, the kids (including Fisher and Quincy) loved it. Dan threatened to leave if any of us burst into song, so we older girls had to bite our tongues.

But each note of the familiar music brought back a flood of cherished childhood memories. And if you haven't seen it yet (or even lately), you must watch it soon! 'Cause your never fully dressed without a smile!

Little Red Riding Hood

Is this not the cutest Little Red Riding Hood you've ever seen?
Today was Fairy Tale Day in kindergarten. Each child was supposed to dress as a character from their favorite fairy tale and retell the story to the class in their own words. Loryn chose Little Red Riding Hood. And I can't believe I actually was able to come up with this little ensemble last minute from things that I already owned. Perfect.
P.S. Her dramatic retelling of the story was magical.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The End is Near

My mom has taught school for 34 consecutive years. Now, she has less than two weeks left. She has been a wonderful teacher. She has devoted her heart, soul, energy, money, attention, and identity to teaching for such a long time. She has touched, shaped, and changed many young minds and lives along the way.

This past week was the first of her retirement open houses, giving us a peek at the reality of her really being done. None of us (especially her) know what we'll do with her at home all the time, but we can't wait to find out!

Mother's Day 2010

Yes, as you all know, I have four children. But little Quincy is not super cooperative in the picture taking department, so she wasn't included. I feel incredibly blessed to be a mother to these little hooligans and to have a mother who puts up with my own hooliganism. Mother's Day is a funny thing. Inevitably, we feel sentimental and affectionate, but we may also feel a little guilty. The efforts just to take this picture in which we all look so happy and adorable took pains I dare not mention! But in the end, after the ups and the downs, the pushing and the pulling, the back and forth . . . I love being a mom. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Fun Run 2010

The legendary Rock Canyon Fun Run was held today. For those who don't know, the "fun" run is a competitive 2.5 mile race held at Rock Canyon Elementary from the beginning of time. In their day, my husband took home a medal and so did my little brother. It is a race to go down in the annals of history.

For the last two years, Taylor has taken fourth place, narrowly missing the coveted podium and adulation of the onlooking school. This year, she took third in her grade and we were so proud! I ran with Loryn and she finished the race like a real trooper. Even though the run was optional for kindergartners, she was determined to finish and she ran most of the way.

I'm so proud of my little family. Maybe I should take a cue from my daughters and my husband and start running myself. Wouldn't that be something?

Happy Anniversary

Today my parents have been married for 34 years. Their marriage has been a wonderful example of compromise, balance, hard work, and tireless devotion to their kids. They both work, they both cook, they both do dishes, they both clean, they both shop, they both sew, and they both take care of kids. Our family was one of pitching in, helping out, and sharing the load. Everything a team effort. I learned a lot this way and am grateful for the love they've always shown me. Happy Anniversary!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thoughts on Motherhood

With Mother's Day approaching, one can't help but think of their mothers. Or themselves as mothers. Or the hundreds of mothers they know. I am both a mother and a daughter. I know many mothers and daughters. And I'm privy to the innerworkings of dozens of their relationships.

For all of us, our relationships are delicate and complicated. Very rarely can anyone articulate their feelings in a simple phrase. At every age, in every season, we hurt each other, we question each other, we dumbfound one another. We often expect too much of each other. And sometimes we expect too little. We talk more than we listen. And our communication frequently fails.

But in the end, by a miracle that only motherhood can produce, our mothers are the consummate champions. We call them first, ask them first, tell them first. At the end of the day, they're the ones in our corner. We may not like what they're wearing or even what they're saying, but they're there. They have sacrificed for us, worked for us, prayed for us, and loved us in spite of ourselves. And we do the same for our children.

And so it goes on, with this mystical thread between us. A thread that is somehow fragile and strong at once. Happy Mother's Day every one!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Dan has worked for his dad since he graduated from college. They are now essentially the only two employees of their company. They spend every day together. And, inevitably, they don't always agree. Things can get tense, things can get stressful. So, how do they spend their weekends, you ask? Working together. Precious.